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We are group of companies who plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan food, Livestock and Agriculture sector. Chutiduwa Group of Companies is founded in 1983 as a small farm and today the company became one of the best farms in Sri Lanka which provides wholesome, naturally nutritious variety of meat products and provides breeding materials to the domestic customers.
We are a group of companies who play a vital role in the Sri Lankan food industry, livestock and the agricultural sector. The humble beginning of Chutiduwa group of Companies goes back to the year of 1983.
Today the company became one of the best farms in Sri Lanka, providing a wholesome, naturally nutritious variety of meat products including breeding material to the native customers. We are the main producers and suppliers of the most high-grade breed of animals such as piglets, goat, and sheep to the local farmers.
We are the market leader in producing pork to the Sri Lankan market. In addition to pork, we supply mutton, lamb, turkey, quail, goose, rabbit, duck, eggs, goat milk, and goat milk yoghurt. This includes over 100 different processed meat.
Our newly built TEMPT meat processing gives us the opportunity to expand the business significantly and cater to the high-end market including star class hotels in Sri Lanka. The Chutiduwa Livestock (PVT) Ltd & TEMPT Meat processing is an ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System certified company. It’s also accredited by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) since our farm maintains an International standard.
The Chutiduwa group of companies’ agribusiness model has gained global recognition for linking farmers and entrepreneurs to the market through a sustainable and inclusive value creation process. In addition to the above core business, we produce animal pasture, fertilizers, consultancy services to farmers, and fruits and vegetables to consumers. We take on the responsibility for ensuring the quality and safety of our products. As a member of society, we have committed to saving our motherland by focusing on an environment-friendly value chain.
"To be the most successful, best quality and ethical organization while delighting customers with a wide range of products and services in the agricultural industry by gaining competitive advantage through the Best Human Resource, commitment and tacit knowledge blend with the best technology."
To provide best quality breeds of animals, animal feed, fertilizers and consultancy to farmers, meat products, Fruits, Vegetables, to consumers. We have been developing and research to introduce best breeds of animal and plants in order to increase the yield while maintaining the best quality standardsand making the world self sufficient.Environment has been first and the most important issue in priorities of our companywhen working towards creating a prosperous society and a clean world.
Commitment, Honesty and Quality through real Teamwork to become the finest!!
2017 - ISO 14000 Certified Farm In Sri Lanka And The Meat Processing Plant Was Recognised.
2017 - Winner Of Wayamba Wijayabhimani
2015 - The best Livestock Enterprise in Sri lanka – 2015
The CHUTIDUWA livestock (Pvt) Ltd has been recognized at the National Agribusiness council’s Agri-Business awards in 2015 as the “BEST LIVESTOCK ENTERPRISE” in the country. The National Agribusiness Awards in recognition for performance and contribution by the formal business sector towards the development of agribusiness in Sri Lanka. Director of the CHUTIDUWA livestock (Pvt) Ltd, Mr.: Dhanushka Hettiarachchi won an award in 2015 held at agribusiness award ceremony took place in 9th August at Sirimavo Bandaranayke Memorial exhibition center Colombo.
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